by Editor | Sep 16, 2022 | Management
The repeated suspension of elective surgery, the disruption to screening services and outpatient appointments, and a 40% drop in routine pathology testing early in the pandemic have all combined to create a cohort of Australians now presenting with more advanced disease and languishing on long waiting lists for surgery as their condition worsens.
by Editor | Sep 16, 2022 | Clinical
Nowadays, ambulances queue up outside hospitals and paramedics wait in corridors with their patients until there’s space available in the ED – meaning they’re not able to answer other 000 calls.
Such ambulance ramping is a sign of a health system under immense strain. So, how bad is it? Why is it happening? And what can be done to improve the situation?
by Editor | Sep 16, 2022 | Facilities, Management
Australian Healthcare Week (AHW) published a ‘state of the industry’ report in late 2021 that explored the pandemic effect and discussed priorities for 2022 and beyond. It included survey responses from healthcare professionals and leaders, 82% of whom worked in patient-facing roles at the coalface.
So, what could new infrastructure investments look like for future healthcare?
by Editor | Jul 27, 2022 | Clinical
Social changes over the last century have given women access to many professional opportunities. However, COVID shone a harsh light on deeply ingrained gender disparities. While COVID lockdowns were hard for everyone, they placed a particularly heavy burden on working...
by Editor | Jul 27, 2022 | Facilities, Management
Anyone moving into a new home has been struck by its oddities. Why is the light switch on the other side of the room to the door? Why is the TV aerial so far from a power point that an extension cable has to be used? Why is the boiler so far away that it takes many...