Adapting clinical workflows to new environments

Adapting clinical workflows to new environments

Mobile facilities offer a sustainable, cost-effective way to maintain a high standard of care. It’s a different space than everyone’s used to though and it’s important to recognise that and adapt your clinical workflows accordingly.

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Clinical benefits of mobile facilities

Clinical benefits of mobile facilities

Mobile healthcare facilities are designed in close collaboration with staff who often feel more satisfied with that working environment than the main hospital.

Learn more about the clinical benefits of mobile facilities in the latest edition of Healthcare Spaces.

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Taking healthcare to the people in remote areas

Taking healthcare to the people in remote areas

Mobile outreach services provide a way to improve health outcomes for the 7 million Australians living in rural and remote areas. Mobile facilities enable easier access to healthcare, earlier diagnosis and more convenient treatment.

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Exploring solutions to ambulance ramping

Exploring solutions to ambulance ramping

Nowadays, ambulances queue up outside hospitals and paramedics wait in corridors with their patients until there’s space available in the ED – meaning they’re not able to answer other 000 calls. 

Such ambulance ramping is a sign of a health system under immense strain. So, how bad is it? Why is it happening? And what can be done to improve the situation? 

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